Effects of Separating Children from Parents

A Child Separated From Her Parents

There is no doubt that a child being separated from her parents has a profound effect on the rest of her life. There has been extensive research conducted on the effects that the loss of a parent has on a child, and when the loss is traumatic due to a sudden death or separation, the […]

How To Help Your LGBTQ Child

LGBTQ Children

Many parents do not know how to respond when they learn that their child identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or any sexual orientation other than heterosexual and any gender identity other than cisgender (a person whose sense of personal identity and gender corresponds with their birth sex). For the sake of simplicity, these […]

Talking To Your Child About School Shootings

Woman holding child after traumatic event

As a parent and therapist, dealing with the multitude of feelings about another school shooting is not easy. One of the hardest things we face as parents is what to say to our children about this horrific violence in schools. Should we even bring it up at all? Should we reassure them that this won’t […]