How to Talk to Your Partner About Alcohol Abuse

By Maria Miller, PLPC

It can be incredibly difficult and scary to watch a loved one struggle with alcohol abuse. You may feel helpless and not know how to help. However, open and honest communication is essential. Here are some tips on how to talk to your partner about their drinking:

1. Choose the right time and place. It’s important to have this conversation when you and your partner are both calm and sober. Avoid bringing it up when either of you is stressed, angry, or intoxicated. Find a private place where you won’t be interrupted.

2. Use “I” statements. When expressing your concerns, use “I” statements instead of “you” statements. This will help avoid putting your partner on the defensive. For example, instead of saying, “You drink too much,” say, “I’m worried about you because of your drinking.”

3. Focus on your feelings. Share how your partner’s drinking affects you emotionally. Be specific about the behaviors that concern you and how they make you feel. For example, you might say, “When you drink heavily, I feel scared and alone.”

4. Offer support. Let your partner know that you love and support them, and that you want to help them get through this. Offer to go to counseling with them or to attend support meetings together.

5. Be patient. It may take time for your partner to acknowledge that they have a problem and to be willing to seek help. Be patient and understanding, and continue to offer your support.

Remember, you are not alone. There are many resources available to help you and your partner. If you are struggling with alcohol abuse, please reach out for help. If you’d like to work with a therapist (either for supporting your loved one or as someone struggling with alcohol abuse), please contact our intake coordinators by clicking here to find a qualified match. There is hope for recovery.