Introduction to Mindfulness

4 weekly classes to handle stress, find balance, and feel more connected

Looking for practical ways to improve your life and wellbeing? In our Intro to Mindfulness course, you’ll discover simple, effective tools for managing stress, all while building a supportive community. 

Introduction to Mindfulness is an evidence-based course that teaches practical tools to reduce stress, enhance focus and cultivate self-awareness

Over four weeks, you’ll develop skills to bring more calm and focus into your day-to-day life. To make the most of this experience, check your schedule and ensure you can attend each session—it’s all about learning and connecting together.

Mindfulness can help

Mindfulness is the act of paying attention to your present- moment experience with an attitude of kindness and curiosity. Our minds tend to gallop toward the future or do a U-turn toward the past, often with regrets or judgements.

Studies show that mindfulness can address this stress by cultivating confidence, compassion, resilience, and wisdom. A randomized controlled trial* shows that after mindfulness training students feel more calm and well rested, and have greater mindfulness and self-compassion. 

*Greeson JM et al, Journal of American College Health, 2014 


Class Structure 

Four classes • 75-minutes • Small groups • Highly structured format

Experiential learning • Practical skills taught • Teacher support


“I will carve out time almost every day for mindfulness. I found it to be very relaxing and necessary at moments in my life.”

-Mindfulness Student, Saint Louis University

Katie Bucklen is a retired pediatrician who has been teaching group and individual mindfulness courses since 2020 at the Center for Mindfulness and CBT and at Saint Louis University. She has been a practitioner and student of mindfulness and meditation since 2017. She is also a confirmed mindfulness geek who enjoys everything about mindfulness – from the neurologic basis of its benefits to the ancient teachings that inform the practice.

$55/class (all classes must be paid for regardless of attendance)

Led By

Katie Bucklen, MD FAAP, Certified MIEA Instructor

The Center for Mindfulness & CBT Conference Room 967 Gardenview Office Pkwy St. Louis, MO 63141
4 Wednesdays from 7:00pm-8:15pm, April 23-May 14, 2025