Why Mindfulness has Not “Worked” for You

woman practicing yoga

When you hear the word “mindfulness,” you probably think of relaxation and clearing your mind. You give it a try, but nothing happens, or you feel even worse than before you started. So, you assume that mindfulness doesn’t work. While that sounds like a logical conclusion, there are some key pieces of information that are missing.

How Mindfully Sitting with Discomfort is the Ultimate Act of Self-Care

Truly caring for yourself involves both doing things that you enjoy AND taking time to sit with those things that are not very enjoyable. This does not mean that you need to push yourself to do things that you don’t like to do or that are unhealthy for you. But rather that you allow yourself to have and experience all of your emotions. When we reduce our resistance to the unpleasant emotions by allowing them to be as they are, we actually reduce the amount of suffering that they cause.

Children grieve, too.

Childhood Grief

Grief is a normal reaction for adults and children alike after the death of someone significant. Everyone grieves differently and children are no exception to this. Regardless of their relationship with the deceased, it is normal for changes and challenges to arise for grieving children.

Accepting the “Unacceptable”

Molly Brendle-Ayala with thumbs up

Accepting the seemingly unacceptable can sound terrifying or even impossible. Most will experience trying moments related to the loss of a job or a loved one. Others may experience a loss that can feel even more personal, like the loss of their body as they once knew it.

How to be the Best Parent you can be during a Pandemic: Part 3 of 4 in the Series

Woman teaching girl

Seeing our children struggle with drastic changes that they don’t fully understand, all while we don’t really understand it all ourselves, has put even the most confident and competent parents on edge. While there are certainly no easy answers to any of this, here are a few tips to help you get started on your path to becoming the best version of yourself that you can be during these challenging times.