What Are You Grateful For?

Being grateful helps increase our mood and decrease feelings of frustration. It also improves our social connection, allows us to have more empathy, and increases our self-esteem. Here is a simple activity for practicing gratitude.

Savoring Joy

A girl and her dog

Practicing mindfulness teaches us to be aware of our attention – whether we focus on the positive or the negative – and to note – without judgment – our thoughts and feelings. When our minds are drawn to the negative, the teaching is to note the feeling, accept it and then let it go. This can be frustrating because the negativity bias keeps drawing our minds back to the difficult emotions and events.

A Quick Gratitude Practice to Improve Your Mood and Wellbeing

woman jotting some notes and feeling grateful

By Laura Chackes, Psy.D. Many studies over the past several years have shown that practicing gratitude can improve our mental health, and this applies to both people with mental illnesses such as anxiety or depression, and those without. Gratitude practices include writing in a journal about what you are grateful for each day and writing […]