3 Ways to Help your Pre-Teen or Teen Manage Strong Emotions

girl and her mother

Parenting teens isn’t for the weak. Many times you will feel anything but strong as you navigate wave after wave of incidents, emotions, challenges. Some of these will rock your world and your teens; but helping them understand how to know what they’re feeling and then tolerate whatever emotions are present will lead to the ability to regulate the emotions without acting out.

How to be the Best Parent you can be during a Pandemic: Part 3 of 4 in the Series

Woman teaching girl

Seeing our children struggle with drastic changes that they don’t fully understand, all while we don’t really understand it all ourselves, has put even the most confident and competent parents on edge. While there are certainly no easy answers to any of this, here are a few tips to help you get started on your path to becoming the best version of yourself that you can be during these challenging times.