3 Ways to Be Mindful That Take No Extra Time

In our busy lives, it can be hard to carve out time for a mindfulness practice. Here are 3 ways that you can incorporate mindfulness into the tasks that you already do every day.

How to Practice Mindfulness

You’ve probably heard about the many benefits of a mindfulness practice, but it might feel overwhelming to start. This article provides a few tips for beginning your journey with mindfulness.

Change Your Experience with Your Breath

By effectively and skillfully controlling the way you are breathing, you can create physiological, emotional, and cognitive changes within yourself. Here’s how.

5 Things You May Not Know About Mindfulness

Did you know that mindfulness doesn’t require you to be calm? There are a lot of myths about mindfulness, and this article explains what it’s really about how helpful it can be.

3 Scenarios for Mindful Curiosity

If you are like most people in our busy, task-oriented society, stopping to smell the metaphorical roses is not high on your priority list. Do we really want to live like this, though? Here are the scenarios in which you can practice being mindfully curious.